Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thoughts and Beliefs

I am posting a few quotes that I found on the Gym Jones website. Their work ethic and will to succeed have really validated my drive to succeed. These thoughts and beliefs are much part of my own core beliefs that I try to have my clients see inside themselves. So take a step back and look deeply into what drives you to train and compete - move your ego aside and try to see the real inner drive that can assist you in reaching another level of achievement. Let us know how these impact you.

Thoughts and Beliefs:
"A training facility that will truly push you to your ultimate fitness level is separated from the complacency of the general public, and has its own set of rules and values. We believe that nothing of value is achieved by simply going through the motions; real fitness and self-worth is earned."-gym jones

Going through the motions, without presence, intensity or commitment does not produce positive psychological effects. To be transformed by effort, one must dig deep, surpass one's expectations or self-imposed limitations, risk failure, blowup, and get the full dose."-gym jones

"There is no shortcut to strength development. No amount of fancy gimmicks or equipment or adoption of alleged time-saving 'fads'will substitute for a long term program of hard work, that is required to develop the quality of strength needed by an athlete for optimum performance in his specialty."-John Jesse