Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Training Programs: In or Out of the Box? How do I decide What Will Allow Me to Reach My Goals?

I sit hear thinking about the many different parameters that are involved with developing training plans for endurance athletes. Yet the one grey area that keeps coming to mind is the so called "Ideal Program". This aspect of coaching is one that continues to challenge me as a coach because of how this type of program is perceived at least in the triathlon world. The too often promise or other statement that says the same thing about what the program will provide. If a fitness program suggests that an athlete may achieve his/her highest level of performance by following the program to the letter then that program is ________(you fill in the blank). The key to improving fitness is not in simply doing the training, it is in understanding how one is responding and adapting to the training and modifying the program to meet individual requirements and reactions ie: regular testing and benchmark assessment, including progression that is appropriate for the individual, and continues to create change through out the season. Each athlete is responsible for an initial unsentimental analysis of his/her current fitness. Based on this self-awareness and the athlete's sport-specific goals then the coach develops a program appropriate to the outcome. Just a short post to continue creating some out of the box thinking on your part. Thank you.


Brenda Bowie said...

What do you recommend for basic baseline assessment?

Ange said...
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